Showing posts with label KOLPINGO_EEI_2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KOLPINGO_EEI_2012. Show all posts

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


(Updated 2012-03-30)
Dear students:
The final marks have been included in Kolpingo intranet. You can check the final exam in the college's secretary.
PS: For any question or complain just write me!
I remind you that on TUESDAY 6th MARCH at 12:15 pm you will take the FINAL EXAM.

The final exam will have two parts:
a) First part: 25 questions (multiple options)
b) Second part: 7 questions where you have to develop some concepts, ideas, etc...You have to answer only 5 of these questions.

You should prepare the exam studying the documents included in this blog (all the documents and slides with the label "EXAM 2012-03-06")

Also I remind you that ON WEDNESDAY 7th at 11:30 am you have an in-class presentation. I have included some documents (labeled "Presentation 2012-03-07")that may inspire your work. Anyway you can choose other topics. I recommend you to check the website of professor Ch. Wyplosz (at the end of this page) or the links on European Union included in this blog (you will find them on the right). You should prepare a power-point. The in-class presentation have to last around 20/30 minutes long.

Good luck! Buena suerte!

PS: And don't forget the essays!!! Still some students have to hand in the essays!!! (papers 1, 2 and 3). Final dead-line: March 7th...after that day I will not accept any essay!!!

Syllabus (distributed 2012-01-10)
I recommend you to visit Professor Wyplosz website

S L I D E S and other documents :
Cohesion Policy  (Exam 2012-03-06)
European Economic Integration by Professor Ian Wooton (Exam 2012-03-06)
The Structural Funds, a solidarity policy (Exam 2012-03-06)
From Regional and Structural Development to Cohesion by Prof. R. Meyers (Exam 2012-03-06)
Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds by J.M. Puertas (Exam 2012-03-06)

How the European Union works (test 2012-02-14th) (Exam 2012-03-06)

G. Mankiw book. Chapter 27 ("The monetary system") (Exam 2012-03-06) Only chapter 27!!!
European Social Fund (Exam 2012-03-06)

Documents (in class presentation 2012-03-07) 
New generation of interregional projects (working paper by J.M. Puertas)