DonNTU 2016-2017



Polemics and argumentation

Introductrion to Critical Thinking and Argumentation (10 videos): here

Video 1 Distinguinguishing arguments from other forms of  language./ Video 2 Identifying conclusions/Video 3: Diagramming simple arguments/Video 4 Subarguments/  Video5 Diagramming complex arguments/  Video 6 Indepent premises Video 7 Dependent premises/ Video 7

International commerce

Cross-cultural management:
Syllabus (Course programme): here

Handbook chapters:  1 ,  234, 5 , 6, 7, 8

Slides: Slides 1


 28/11/2016 Please read the paper "Essential skills for leadership effectiveness in diverse workplace development". Analyze the main ideas of this article.

12/11/2016. This monday we will have a smal test about the chapter 7 of the handbook we are using for preparing this course.

Dear students remember that next 19 and 26 you should prepare your presentations. Please use a Powerpoint. Your work should include as well an essay. No more than 10 pages. More information can be found in the syllabus.


International Integration:

Syllabus (Course programme): here

Slides: slides 1 

Materials & homework:

1) Homework (12/10/2016)Trade and globalization. Levin InstitutePlease read from page 2 till 32 and answer the questions included in page 22, 25, 29 and 36. Write your answers in a paper. I will take the homework next Wednesday 12/10. Please in the questions included in the page 25 substitute "United States" by "Ukraine" and look for information about Ukrainian trade balance.

2) Homework 26/10/2016. Please read the document "Trade and globalization" (Levin Institute) from  page 34 till page 51 (Liberalization: The regulation of international trade). And answer the questions you will find in the following pages: 38, 46 (but you must substitute US by Ukraine), 49  and the quiz included in page 51. Write your answers in a paper. I will take the homework next Wednesday 26/10. 

3) Homework 9/11/2016 here is no homework for next day :)

4) Homework 23/11/2016
Reading 1: The IMF promotes stability
Reading 2: The IMF
Reading 3: Top ten reasons to oppose the IMF

Choose two of the three readings. Please analyze the main ideas of the chosen readings.

5) Homework 07/12/2016. Workers rights, women rights, identity, freedom of movement in Kuwait and Gulf states.

After watching the lecture of Ms. Farrah Alhashem write an essay with the main ideas expressed by the journalist in this video. 

Farrah Alhashem independent filmmaker, and TV correspondent in Associated Press. Has BA in journalism from LAU Beirut, MFA in Film from New York, and MA in international affairs LAU Beirut. Currently continuing her post-graduate studies in Paris. Her research interests are multiculturalism, identity, Arab culture, women rights, applied arts, and cinema. You can contact her if you have some questions---- Her mail is

Project: "Critical Thinking" Lecture 1. Lecture on workers rights women rights and identity in Kuwait and other Gulf states.

6) Media and globalisation (14/12/2016). Slides that may be useful  1, 2, 3,4

7) NATO: 1, 2, 3

Practicum seasons

1) (21/09/2016)
reading 1   

2) (5/10/2016)
reading 1 (Paul Sweezy)
reading 2, (Paul Krugman) 
reading 3  (Yanis Varoufakis)         

3) (19/10/2016) World Trade Organization (positive and negative effects)

reading 1, reading 2, reading 3, reading 4

Homework: Choose two of the four readings. Please analyze the main ideas of the author or authors of the two papers you have chosen.

4) (02/11/2016) BRICS
reading1, reading 2, reading 3 , reading 4

Homework: Choose two of the four readings. Please analyze the main ideas of the author or authors of the chosen readings.

5) (16/11/2016) The negative impact of globalization: multiculturalism, coercive engineered migration, global terrorism and neo-imperialism.

Homework 1. Please analyze the main ideas of the author interviewed by RT, the journalist and political analyst Gearoid O'Colmain.

Video.  Gearoid O'Colmain on Paris massacre

Choose two of the four readings. Please analyze the main ideas of the author of the chosen readings.

Article 1 (coercive engineered migration)
Article 2 (multiculturalism and globalist agenda)
Article 3 (the weaponisation of refugees)
Article 4 (the balkanisation of Europe, neo-Prometheism and neo-Ottomanism)

6)  30/11/2016. Homework. Please look for information about the IMF and Ukraine. Recently the IMF gave a loan to the government of Poroshenko. Analyze the conditions imposed by the IMF. Also look for information about the economic performance of Ukraine before the maidan. Compare the data with the situation of Ukraine right now (GDP, inflation, unemployment rate, balance of trade, Gini coefficient and other economic indicators).

7) (14/12/2016) The concept of ideological superstructure by Louis Althusser (an approach). Please read this document (University of Delhi) and this document ( Purdue University-Idiana's Land Grand University) and analyze the main ideas included in the articles.

Final test. Dear students next wednesday 28/12/2016 you have the final test. The final test is a multichoice test with 50 questions. Only one answer is the correct one. To prepare the test you should study the documents highlighted in green (included above). Study a lot and good luck. 

Additional information:

For any questions please contact me. The fastest way is sending me a mail to: I usually answer in less than 24 hours. 

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